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Why Go With a Personalized Gift?

Our blog is dedicated to helping you figure out what sort of gift you should get your loved ones, friends and co-workers for any sort of occasion. If you’ve been following our posts, you may have noticed that we place a lot of emphasis on getting a personalized gift. This is what we specialize in, […]

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Your Quick Wedding Gift Idea Guide

Spring and summer are typically synonymous with wedding season. Whether you have one wedding to go to this summer or several, you’re going to have to find the right gift for the bride and groom. Something special and personalized is always a fantastic shower or wedding gift. Instead of stressing over finding the “perfect personalized […]

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Mother’s Day. Graduation. Weddings. Birthdays. Just think of the number of special events that you have coming up in the next few weeks. This is also an indication of the number of gifts that you’ll have to buy, which can be a stressful endeavor. You don’t want to get something run-of-the-mill and generic for close […]

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Some Do’s and Don’ts of Gift-Giving

The act of giving a gift doesn’t have to be sheer torture. Too often people put pressure on finding “the perfect present” for a friend, loved one or family member. Remember, this is supposed to be fun. Your goal is to put a smile on someone else’s face, not cause yourself additional stress. In order […]

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