13 Unique Back to School Gift Ideas

With summer drawing to a close, the start of a new school year is on the horizon. This means, if you haven’t already, it’s time to go shopping to make sure your little ones are ready to start up school. Sending your child to school with a special, personalized item…

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Top 10 Back To School Gifts and Supplies for 2016

Top Ten Personalized Back To School gifts

Top 10 Back To School Gifts and Supplies for 2016   No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you – you are seeing back to school stuff in stores and around town already.  It may only be July, but the average first day of the school is no longer after Labor Day…

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First Day of School Picture Frames

Personalized Back to School Picture Frame It’s officially back to school time! It’s that time of year when parents capture the milestone moment with photos of the big day. As your child sets off on their first day of school or they are progressing into the next, you’ll want to…

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Your Child’s Perfect Back to School Kit

School is right around the corner…literally. Within the next couple weeks, your kiddies will be sent off to school- but you want to send them off prepared! With these items, they’re sure to be ready for success on their first day. Embroidered Lady Bug Backpack Embroidered Pirate Backpack Embroidered Ladybug…

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Back To School

It’s hard to believe that the school year is just around the corner. That being said, we have a bunch of new items to celebrate a new school year! Here’s a sneak peek: Personalized Any Name Lunch Tote     Personalized Dinosaur Backpack   Personalized Owl Water Bottle    …

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Checklist for the First Day of School

Can you believe it’s already August? Summer has truly flown by! Kids are already starting up at school again, which means that there’s going to be a need for school supplies, new clothes, and new equipment for those extracurricular athletics and clubs. That’s where getting a personalized back to school…

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The Top Three Tips for Back to School Shopping

August is just on the horizon, which means before you know it you’ll be going to school orientations and shopping for school supplies. Back to school can get stressful, and expensive, very quickly. In order to make it simple, we thought we’d share a few of our favorite back to…

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Partake in a Back to School Preview!

Well, we’re already halfway through July, and that means that we’re about a month away from the beginning of the school year. One way to make your kids excited about summer’s end (which, admittedly, is hard to do) is to give them a personalized gift. If they have an amazing…

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Spotlight: Show Your Teacher Some Appreciation

The school year is coming to a close, and it’s time to thank the person who has so impacted and shaped your child’s life this year: their teacher. If there’s any group of people who is largely responsible for shaping our future, it would be teachers. They devote their lives…

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