Welcome Your Rescue Pet Home!

Rescue pet parents are proud. They took their pet out of a situation that could negatively affect their lives and given them a new, loving home. Many people who have rescued an animal are very vocal about the importance of adopting a pet from a shelter. They’re passionate about it, and that passion inspired us to create a line of pet gifts devoted entirely to rescue pets.

Whether you’ve owned a rescue pet for years, are adopting one in the near future or know someone who is, our personalized rescue pet items make great gift ideas. What better way to welcome your rescue home than by having something personalized waiting for it?

We have a number of new items and are only making more, but here are a few of our favorites:

thumb                                     Personalized Rescued Dog Printed Frame.

thumb                                    Personalized Best Pets are Rescued T-Shirt

thumb                                           Personalized Rescued Pet Photo Mug

thumb                                Personalized Best Pets are Rescued Printed Frame


Personalized Rescue Mom Mug

All of these new gift items will allow you to show off your new rescue pet with pride! Feel free to check out our website to see even more amazing personalized pet gifts.

Happy Shopping!

The Gift Guru
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