The Top Three Tips for Back to School Shopping

4168164LAugust is just on the horizon, which means before you know it you’ll be going to school orientations and shopping for school supplies. Back to school can get stressful, and expensive, very quickly. In order to make it simple, we thought we’d share a few of our favorite back to school shopping tips with you. That way, you can actually enjoy the rest of your summer vacation instead of spending it stressing over school supplies and clothing sales.

Make a list. All organized and successful shopping trips start with a well-made list of everything that needs to be purchased and done for the day. The more prepared you are, the better the outcome will be.

Think about NEED vs. WANT. When it comes to shopping for school supplies and back to school clothes, don’t assume that you need all-new everything. If you invest in brand new stuff every single year, you’ll end up spending way more than you want to. Instead, only get what you need and maybe a couple brand new outfits for the beginning of school. If you have pencil cases, pens, rulers, and calculators that are usable already in your house, don’t feel like you HAVE to buy a new one. Just have your child use those instead.

Bring a little bit of fun into it. There’s no doubt that young students heading back to school absolutely dread the end of summer, so why not give them something to look forward to? Take a little bit of the money you might have saved on buying school supplies you don’t need and invest it in something else that might make them excited to go back to class. A personalized back to school gift is a great investment. A personalized backpack, sports bag or lunch tote will be something “brand new” that might make your student dread the first day of school a little less.

If you follow these trusty back to school shopping tips and tricks, then we can bet that come the first day of class, your young student will be ready to go!

Happy shopping!

The Gift Guru
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