How to Find a Perfect Christmas Gift

Whether you like it or not, gift giving is a big part of the holidays. But it can sometimes be difficult to find the right gift for every person you’re shopping for each year. Since we’re in the gift business, we thought we could help you out by providing some tips on how to find a perfect Christmas gift.

Think What the Recipient Would Want


This might sound obvious, but it really does pay to consider the personality and preferences of the gift recipient. If they’re a no-frills type, something like a gift card to their favorite restaurant may be exactly what will make them happiest. Similarly, if you know that someone highly values the sentiment behind gifts, high effort and creativity could strongly outweigh the monetary value of their gift. One study found that as long as the recipient was happy with the gift, they didn’t care how much effort had gone into it. But if they weren’t happy with the gift, they felt more upset if it was a low-effort gift.


Give Them Something They Need

Girl Receiving Perfect Christmas Gift


One nice part of the holidays is that you’re able to ask for things you actually need. These items might make “boring” gifts in some cases, but most people are going to be quite happy when they receive something they actually need, whether it’s some new socks or a tool. For people who don’t love the hassle of shopping, it can be nice to receive exactly what they need around the holidays.


Consider Giving An Experience

Audience at Concert


The evidence suggests that people sometimes place a higher value on experiences than objects. There are, of course, many cases where physical items can be very powerful and personal. But if you’re struggling to think of a perfect Christmas gift that will dazzle someone on your shopping list, try to conceive of a way to make their gift a memorable experience. For instance, you might splurge on concert tickets for your friend’s favorite band. You could also make the gift itself an experience, such as wrapping or presenting the gift in a really unique way.


Personalize It!

Custom Winter Blanket

Dashing Through the Snow Personalized Sherpa Blanket


Many gifts can have a very generic feel; your friend or loved one may feel like the gift you gave them could have also gone to just about anyone else. One very easy way to avoid this problem is by giving personalized gifts. With a special gift featuring a name, a commemorative date, an occupation, or many more options, you can make it clear that you truly care about the recipient.

Ready to select that perfect Christmas gift? We have a massive selection of unique personalized gifts to give this holiday season.

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