Checklist for the First Day of School

Find amazing personalized back to school gifts on!Can you believe it’s already August? Summer has truly flown by! Kids are already starting up at school again, which means that there’s going to be a need for school supplies, new clothes, and new equipment for those extracurricular athletics and clubs. That’s where getting a personalized back to school gift might come in handy!

We’ve recently launched a new line of back to school gifts that we think your kids will love. We offer such a wide array of designs for a number of school year essentials. You’re bound to find something that fits your child’s personality and interests. With that being said, we wanted to give you a short back to school checklist of everything your child might need for the year. If there’s something they don’t have, swing on by our site and get it! We have some great prices available for really great quality and personalized back to school items.

  • BackpackDoes your child have a backpack? Is the one they have in good condition, or could they use a new one?
  • LunchA healthy lunch is imperative to your child’s success in school. If you need a lunch cooler or lunch tote, we have a whole selection for you to choose from.
  • Pencil CaseHaving one pouch for organizing each and every one of your child’s pens, pencils, glue sticks and erasers is incredibly beneficial. If your child doesn’t have one, we highly recommend getting them one!

This is just the short checklist of everything that they’ll need for their first day! Can you think of anything else your little ones might need?

Happy shopping, and we hope your transition to back to school is smooth!

The Gift Guru
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